
AODO Bylaws


The name of the organization is the Association of Ophthalmology Development Officers (AODO).


Section 1. Background

The Association of Ophthalmology Development Officers (AODO) is a network of philanthropy-development professionals affiliated with departments of ophthalmology and eye institutes at leading universities in the United States. We focus on the challenges and opportunities associated with academic ophthalmology development.

Section 2. Specific Purpose

AODO Members network informally throughout the year and hold an annual meeting during the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) national meeting to exchange advancement best practices, fundraising information, marketing strategies, professional knowledge, experience, and collaborate on group-identified issues.


Membership of AODO is open to all seeking to engage, membership dues are only needed upon registering for the annual AODO conference.


Section 1. Regular meetings. Regular meetings will be held quarterly at a time and place determined by the chair.

Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings which include all AODO Board members are to be limited and called only when absolutely necessary. Committee meetings are to be held as needed and scheduled based on the specific needs of each committee.

Section 3. Quorum. A quorum is needed for all voting matters. In the event that a quorum is not met during a meeting, all members present will cast their vote and remaining members will be asked by the chair to respond via email within 24-48 hours of the meeting.


Section 1. General Powers: The AODO board plays a central role in the strategic guidance of the Association of Ophthalmology Development Officers, including the planning and execution of the annual conference. The AODO board has decision making power for all activities associated with this membership.

Section 2. Number of Officers: 4 (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary.) Term limits for officers is 2 years. Number of AODO board member: 7-9 Term limits for officers is 2-4 years.

Section 3. Regular and Annual Meetings: The AODO board will meet on a quarterly basis via zoom. Committees will meet on an as-needed basis outside of these regular meetings. When possible, the board will meet in person during the annual AODO conference.

Section 4. Quorum: A quorum in needed for all voting matters. (See above.) With a board of 7 members, 4 members represent a quorum.

Section 5. Vacancies: In the event of a vacancy, planned or unplanned the AODO Board Chair is responsible for communicating this vacancy to the larger AODO organization in order to find a replacement. Upon receiving applicants, the AODO board will need to hold a vote to approve of this new member. This vote can take place during a formal board meeting or through email if needed, but must be communicated with all current board members.

Section 6. Removal: In the event that a board member is not adhering to their responsibilities, such as (but not limited to) attending regular meetings, communicating in a timely and appropriate manner, fulfilling the duties they have accepted within their board or committee position, etc. it is the responsibility of the Chair and Vice Chair to discuss next steps. Next steps could include: a discussion with the member in question, a discussion with the larger AODO board minus the member in question, and ultimately the removal of the member if a majority vote is met. Communication of removal falls upon the Chair.


The officers of this Board shall be the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. All officers must have an active membership in the organization.

Section 1. Chair

The Chair shall preside over all meetings of the AODO board. The Chair shall have the following duties: Serves as the contact person for every board member on board issues. Sets goals and objectives for the board and ensures that they are met. Ensures that all board members are involved in committee activities; assigns committee leaders and members as needed. Sets the agenda for each quarterly meeting, with the guidance of other board members.

Section 2. Vice-Chair

The Vice-Chair shall perform all duties of the Chair during the absence of the latter. The Vice-Chair’s duties include: Actively serving as the lead for the AODO Conference Content Committee to ensure a successful annual AODO conference. Offer support for the board chair as needed, including assisting in duties as called upon by the chair. At the end of the Chair’s term, it would be the expectation that the Vice-Chair would step into that role. However, in rare occasions where this is not a feasible option the AODO board would adhere to vacancy processes detailed in Article V. Section 5. The preference would be to have an active officer step into the Chair role whenever possible.

Section 3. Secretary

The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the AODO Board. The Secretary’s duties shall consist of: taking detailed minutes and sharing them with the AODO board 24-48 hours following each meeting. Coordination and scheduling of quarterly meetings.

Section 4. Treasurer

The Treasurer’s duties include: taking account and sharing financial details during each AODO board meeting. Holding committees accountable for adhering to the budget when planning for the annual AODO conference. The AODO account is located at the University of Iowa, all account information will be made available upon request. The treasurer will serve on the AODO Conference Event Committee and the AODO Conference Content Committee to ensure that budgetary needs are met.

Section 5. Election of Officers

Officers will be elected during the first formal meeting held on March, 24th 2022. Board members interested in holding positions will surface their interest in a specific role, where then a vote will be taken.

Following this initial election, the Chair and Vice-Chair will discuss future processes in filling these positions in the event of an opening, planned or unplanned. Processes will closely align with Article V. Section 5. detailed above. As detailed above, when filling future Chair positions the hope would be that the Vice-Chair would transition into that role once the term is complete.

Section 6. Removal of Officers

If an officer is not fulfilling their role, their removal will align with Article V. Section 6. detailed above.

Section 7. Officer Vacancies

In the event of a vacancy, the processes will align with Article V. Section 5. detailed above.


Section 1. Committee Formation

The board may create standing or ad hoc committees as needed. All committees have a designated lead whose duties include: providing regular updates on committee activities during quarterly board meetings, setting goals and objectives for the committee and ensuring that they are met. Below are standard committees.

a. AODO Conference Content Committee (Lead: Vice-Chair)

- 4-5 members

- Plan and execute all programmatic needs for the conference.

- Collaborate with the larger AODO membership base to surface presentations with meaningful content.

- Create a program itinerary for the conference, including events beyond the program.

- Treasurer to serve on this committee to ensure that all budgetary needs are met.

b. AODO Conference Event Committee (Lead: TBD)

- 2-3 members

- Plan and execute all events surrounding the conference social activities (dinner, etc.)

- Treasurer to serve on this committee to ensure that all budgetary needs are met.

c. AODO Communications Committee (Lead: TBD)

- 2-3 members

- When needed, will create clear and concise messaging for all AODO needs including (but not limited to):

o Upkeep of content on the AODO website.

o Mass email communication with AODO membership.

o Creation of communication materials for the annual conference i.e., program itinerary, etc.